The Nimm's

Our Journey


on May 29, 2012

It has only been a few hours, and we are exhausted!  He loves to play!  Here are a few pics.  We’ll be packing soon and off to the airport in the morning.  This is likely our last update from Korea.  We’ll be back soon!

10 responses to “Pictures

  1. Laurie says:

    Carri, you look so wonderfully content and happy in the photo with Bella and Liam. Tom and I are so happy for your family! XOXO

  2. Mary Nimm says:

    Absolutely adorable!

  3. The Wichmans says:

    Such a beautiful family! So happy for you! Love his name! Wishing you a safe and smooth flight home!

  4. Tracey Kunze says:

    I have tears in my eyes……………….what a blessing!

  5. dkunze says:

    Oh so cute!! We can’t wait to meet him. Travel safely and know we are anxiously awaiting your return!

  6. Deb DePorter says:

    Oh he is so amazing! You look so happy!!! We are wishing you safe travels and have been praying for all of you all week long. We look forward to when you are back in Point because Kyle and Brianna can NOT WAIT to come and play with Bella and her new brother LIAM.

    Deb, Kurt, Kyle and Brianna

  7. Jane Busler says:

    Liam is beautiful, or should I say handsome!
    We are so happy for you all!
    Love the Busler Family!

  8. TheTim Frey's says:

    Congrats! What a cutie and we’re so happy for you all!!! Safe travels home!

  9. Heidi Nimm says:

    I agree with Tracey, I had tears this morning when I read your post too. Can’t wait to see you all!

  10. Anne Leton says:

    All of your friends here at McDill can’t wait to meet Sweet Little Liam! (Although you should be sure to visit Mrs. Leton’s room first. 😉 Glad everyone is home and safe!

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