The Nimm's

Our Journey

Day 6!

on May 28, 2012

Once again we woke up early, but today we finally started to prepare the room for Si-Hu’s arrival tomorrow!!!!  I wrapped all the gifts and prepared a donation bag for the adoption agency.  Bella and our neighbor Maya worked hard at a rummage sale to earn money to buy items for needy children!  Once the room was organized and ready for tomorrow we decided to go out on the town one last time.

We walked around the city and enjoyed some of Buddha’s Birthday festivities.  We also ate a traditional Korean lunch and finished up our shopping.  In the afternoon we went to another Palace, Changdeokgong.  It was even more impressive than the one we went to at the beginning of our trip and it included acres of secret gardens.

On the way back from the palace we decided to call it a night early.  We stumbled across a McDonalds and enjoyed a happy meal, big mac and bulgogi burger……and a diet coke which was not as large as I normally like, but it was pretty delicious:)   We arrived back to our room at 6:28 tired and ready for the day to be done.  Tomorrow is a big day. It is one we have waited years for.  Sean and I are overcome with nervousness and anticipation.  We can’t wait to start our life as a complete family.  Tomorrow when I write (as long as I can) I will be writing to you as a mom of 2 🙂

Thanks to everyone for going on this journey with us.  Hope all is well,

The Nimms

9 responses to “Day 6!

  1. Heidi Nimm says:

    Exciting day! Woke early and glad to see your update. Looking forward to your next post!

  2. Laurie Schmidt Charlesworth says:

    What a day to celebrate, Carri! Know that you are all surrounded by loving thoughts and prayers from home as you welcome your son! Love you and wishing for all th best as you travel HOME!

  3. Terry/Deb Frey says:

    Papa and I can’t wait to be grand parents. and increase our family. Have a wonderful day . You all in our prayers. Bella can’t wait to huge you and hear about everything. love Nana Papa xx 00

  4. Rachel Zabel Sauvola says:

    Carri, I am thoroughly enjoying your daily posts. I have just been reading each day, but today felt compelled to leave a comment. After just experiencing becoming a mom of two, it’s a feeling like no other. At the beginning I doubted my ability to love two cherubs, as many moms say they feel before the second one arrives. But then you see their cute face and your heart swells with all the love you have for that new member of your family. I am sooo excited for you, Sean and Bella. What a wonderful adventure for Bella at such a young age, yet an age where she will remember each and every moment. Best wishes for you as you finally get to bring your son home. Your family is an inspiration to me. Sending hugs your way for continued safe travels.

  5. Tracey Kunze says:

    Hope that you enjoyed Budda’s birthday!! We are getting more and more excited each time we read your posts. So happy and excited for you guys. We can’t wait to see all of you back in Wisconsin soon!!

    Tracey, David, Maddie & Maya.

  6. The Frey's says:

    We are very excited for you, as your big day finally arrives. You all are in our prayers and we can’t wait to hear about our new nephew!
    Jason, Meagan, Natty an Livy

  7. Emily Busler says:

    can’t wait the little man and see you as a complete family, its been a long time in the making! spent the night last night at casa de nimms! it was a nice break from the family! miss and love u sooo much
    the buslers, and ur fave EMILY

  8. Brenda Earnest says:

    I love this. By reading this I feel like I am a part of it. It is like a fairy tale. I am so excited for you. I cannot wait to meet him.

  9. Leah Earnest says:

    Oh my goodness I’m so exited! I can’t wait to meet the newest addition to the family. Bella, Maya, and I will have so much fun with him. And Bell, I miss you.

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