The Nimm's

Our Journey

Day 3: We finally have a name!

on May 26, 2012

We  finally have chosen a name for Si-Hu!  Unfortunately, you are all still going to have to wait because I reserve the right to change it at any time;)

On Saturday morning we shopped at Insadong again on our own this time!  We bought traditional Korean Hanboks for both Bella and Si-Hu. (Bella is wearing one in the picture below) We also bought Si-Hu a chop block.  They are stamps with a persons Korean name on them and are used to sign their names. It is a common item to own in Korea. The shop owner was very sweet and made Bella a beautiful sign with her name on it.(The shop is pictured below)  Bella continued her rock star tour. Shop owners would give her things for free just to talk with her.

We also ventured  into the subway on our own today.  The subway is very clean and safe. Unfortunately, there is very little English to help you figure out where you are going.  We got turned around a few times!

After running down the streets of Seoul, becasue we took so long figuring out the subway, we made it on time to the theater.  We went to see NANTA!  It is the longest running show in Korea since 1997.  The show is a comedy set in a kitchen and there is very little speaking.  They use kitchen equipment to make music!  It was hilarious and reminded me of the Blue Man Group.

By the time the show was done we were all already tired and headed back to the hotel. We have been waking up at 2 in the morning wide awake and thinking it is time to start our day! As I type this Bella is in bed watching Hannah Montana in Korean. Who knew Billy Ray Cyrus could speak Korean so fluently:) We appreciate all the comments everyone is giving us and are getting more and more anxious every day to get our son!  The next two days are going to be busy as the city fills up with people coming into town for Buddha’s Birthday!

Hope everyone is doing well back home. Miss and love you,

The Nimms

7 responses to “Day 3: We finally have a name!

  1. Heidi Nimm says:

    It’s storming and thunder woke me so I checked my phone to see if you had posted. Glad I did! Sounds like you had another amazing day! I’ll check out the play on the computer later. Les, Ken, Al, Ruth and even teachers you don’t know ask about you everyday! They have been looking at this in my phone! A bit surprised at all the attention to Bella. I would have thought they would have seen lots of Americans. Think about you all the time. Love you lots! Farmers Market and then to Grandpa’s. Love rhe pictures! Bella, you are beautiful in your Korean gown!

  2. Terry/Deb Frey says:

    Looks like you had great day! Is his name SHANE? I bet I guessed it, ha ha! Miss you all. Give Bella a spider kiss for us. Love Papa and Nana

  3. Rhonda and Gordon says:

    Love your pictures and so happy you are enjoying your special trip!

  4. The Frey's says:

    Hello Nimms-
    Rainy here today,the girls say hello and miss Bella! Looks like you are having a great time…happy to hear that Bella’s Rock Star Tour continues on:) Take care and we look forward to your next post!!

  5. TheTim Frey's says:

    Sounds like you are having a wonderful time and experience! So happy for all of you! Love reading your posts and seeing the pictures! Tim says if you run into Hot Lips or Hawkeye tell them hello! :-)))) Love you all and take care!

  6. Ryan and Debbie Krueger says:

    Just found out about your site from Crystal. We are so happy for you that your family is finally complete. Sounds like you are having a great time and Bella is a big hit as always!! Enjoy yourselves and can’t wait to hear your next post. God Bless you all!!

  7. Emily Busler says:

    Shane? i bet u’ll change ur mind three times over after u meet him! love the updates and enjoyed chatting with u yesterday! have fun. My mom says hi and that she loves ur posts too!

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