The Nimm's

Our Journey

Day 2: Guided Tour of Seoul

on May 25, 2012

Hello!  Today we took a guided tour of Seoul with a volunteer tour guide.  Her name was Min-jeong (MJ) and she was a college student. We also went with another couple we met on the plane ride. They are picking their son up next Thursday!  Shelly and Derek live in a south suburb of Chicago!  Our first stop was Gyeongbokgung Palace.  It is a beautiful palace originally built in 1395 for kings and queens.  This is a common place for schools to take their students on field trips. Bella was a rock star.  Kids and adults kept asking to take her picture and telling her she was cute and beautiful.  Many of the students practiced their English with us.  One lady from China kept hugging Bella!

After our tour of the Palace we headed to a popular shopping area called Insadong where we ate traditional Korean food!  Then it was off to another market, Namdaemun.  This market was crowded and every inch was filled with goods to buy.

Once the tour was completed we headed back to our hotel where Sean and Bella swam on the roof top overlooking the city. It was a little piece of heaven.  We are handling the time change pretty well.  We are anxiously awaiting Tuesday when we get to see our son.  We found out his name is pronounced  more like she-who.  Our tour guide said it is a very modern name and a good looking actor currently has that name!  We still do not have a name!

Hope all is well back home,

The Nimms

7 responses to “Day 2: Guided Tour of Seoul

  1. Heidi Nimm says:

    Love the picture of Bella!! Sounds like an exciting day. She will have so much to tell after the trip!

  2. Terry/Deb Frey says:

    sounds like a great day. love the pictures. thinks of all of you often. love you all. sam is doing well. nana papa

  3. The Frey's says:

    We love the pics & stories!!!! The girls get so excited to read everything together & check out the pictures with us. Can’t wait to see even more. And Bella- we already know that you’re a rock star! 😉 xoxo

  4. Emily Busler says:

    Love the stories and pictures!!! Bella guess I was right when I say ur my little diva rockstar

  5. Laurie Schmidt Charlesworth says:

    So glad you are making the most of this tremendous experience! XOXO

  6. The Ligman's says:

    What a fun day! Can’t wait to see Bella’s pictures and hear all the stories! Hugs to all!

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