The Nimm's

Our Journey

A Brief Summary!

on May 22, 2012

Sean, Bella and I began this adoption Journey December, 2006 with Bethany Christian Services.  We initially were in the China Adoption Program. Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of our control, the wait became increasingly longer.  In January, 2010 we were given the opportunity to join the Korean Adoption Process. It was in April, 2011 that we were finally matched with our son in Korea!  Tomorrow, we become one step closer to completing our family. Thanks to Everyone for your support.


The Nimms

3 responses to “A Brief Summary!

  1. Heidi Nimm says:

    What a wonderful way to follow your journey! Thought and prayers are with you. Love mom/Grandma Heidi

  2. Emily says:

    Oh i can hardly stand it! I feel like im gaining another little brother too! i only wish i was still in point! love u all so much

  3. Tracey Kunze says:

    You guys are amazing…………..all the LOVE you have to share! You are wonderful people!

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